
idk i just make stuff

Useful Resources

(AKA my bookmarks list)

I get / have gotten a lot of use from these – you may find them useful as well!


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Ruby Hashes Cheat Sheet

Created by Shortcut Foo, this cheat sheet has helped me probably hundreds of times at this point. I use hashes in Ruby all the time, but I don’t use the same methods enough to have more than the standard use ones memorized. This bad boy has pretty much every method you can use on or with a hash. It’s a fantastic resource whether you’re a beginner in Ruby, a seasoned Rubyist looking up an infrequently used hash method, or someone switching back and forth between languages who needs a reminder for what will and will not break your Rails app.


The Git Book

It’s the actual, entire Pro Git book. For free. Downloadable as a PDF, Amazon mobile book, and EPUB book. You don’t have to read the whole thing to use git, and you most likely won’t understand everything on the first read through (I certainly didn’t!), but if you have the time this is a great resource to peruse.

Learn Version Control With Git

This is an excellent resource if you’re shaky on version control itself or brand new to git. It has options to learn via the command line (good) or the desktop GUI (do not do this – learn the command line). It holds your hand and walks you through git basics in a non-condescending way.


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Other Interesting Subjects

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